Hi everyone, Nice to meet you.
We are from Guangzhou, China, one of the largest leather goods markets in Asia.
We are a factory engaged in the production and sales of leather goods for ten years, the main products are replica shoes, replica handbags, replica belts and replica wallets etc.
We still remember the excitement of getting an order for the first time, and the joy of getting praise from a customer for the first time.
Unfortunately, for various reasons(shipping, size etc.), we cannot make all our customers satisfied.
We are proud that in the past ten years, we have not deceived any customer, integrity is the bottom line we have always adhered to!
We will also continue to improve ourselves and provide better products and services for everyone.
If you have any questions, you can check out our FQA page, or contact us by email: hermes@@icconlineshop.com
Thank you very much!